Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Where to go?

Over the winter months we contemplated going south on the lake for our annual trip. We discussed going to Grand Haven, Ludington and possibly stopping in Holland to visit some new friends we met over the winter. However, I think we will be heading north out of Sturgeon Bay again. This year we may shoot for a single destination rather than marina hop. 

Peyton will be vacationing with his mom the week after our trip in lower MI at Intermediate Lake, so he will be driving our direction due to logistics of dropping him off with his mom. Currently, it looks like Elk Rapids will be the destination. Due to the length of this run we may use Leland again as our transient safe harbor on both runs across. Elk Harbor is in the Travers Bay area and has a festival every year called Harbor Days which we will be missing by one week. Oh well…maybe next time.

We are excited to just have a destination.  The thought is it may be a little more relaxing.  Hopefully we do not have any surprises like last year that drove our trip to marinas we had not intended to visit.  May be we should not have a plan at all.  Without a plan you cannot be disappointed when things do not work out and with boating on Lake MI sometimes mother nature just does not work out.