Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 3; Crossing Lake Michigan to Leland

Crossed! Left Sturgeon went to Leland, MI. Waves were not bad. Not anything to write home about. When crossing the manitou's islands things really got flat. What a great lake this body of water is. It is amazing as we are running in hundreds of feet of water and there is an island right next to us. I guess you can anchorage at the south manitou island your bow be in 70' and your stern in 3'. Nuts! We will have to do that some time.

Spent the day exploring and playing on their beach. It was great the kids had fun and we had a good time. The kids, however, did not end the day well. It was a rough night.

Leland is a cool little town, worth the stop. We will be back. This location is perfect to relax and rejuvenate before pushing on to the next town (the fuel is less too).

There is a restaurant that has a camera you can control in the harbor. We ate there and called Grandma and Grandpa so they could play with it and see the kids... The Cove TV the camera is on top of the building in the above picture.

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