Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 6 - Egg Harbor and the Best Behaved Dinner

After a night in Fish Creek of storms wind and rain we woke up and had breakfast at Pelletier's after there was a break in the weather.  Pelletier's is straight up the road from Alibi Marina where we stayed. As we left the boat I said to Susan, "Should I go back to boat and grab the rain gear?" as it was starting to rain, but not that hard.  Her answer was "no, it is not that bad." At the time is was just sprinkling and honestly it was hard to tell between rain and the blow off of the trees we were walking under...As a side note we have been gifted really nice rain gear and it hung in out closet on the boat as we walked through the rain...Then of course as luck would have, it down poured while eating breakfast which made me regret not grabbing it even more as I thought we would be getting wet. But as luck would have it again it stopped raining just as we were getting ready to leave.  We walked around the town and went in one or two shops and decided to get back to the boat and get ready to go.  As we sat there we checked the radar and winds to see what we should do. When we left for breakfast the wind was causing white caps on the bay and was not looking very good. We took our time getting ready to go and while we disembarked two boats arrived just as we where leaving and waited for us to leave the marina, as this marina is pretty tight maneuvering.  Turns out the first of these two boats was being directed to our slip.  We did not leave until after noon and the normal check out is 11am.  The deck hands were held up in the harbor house playing a game of Monopoly as the marina was not very active on a wet cold day.  They never came down to see if we actually left and just assumed.  As we were leaving Susan I chuckled thinking how funny it was that we almost caused an issue and timed our departure perfectly.

Our destination was the next harbor south about 6-8 miles away, Egg Harbor.  We stayed at the renovated municipal marina.  Egg Harbor redid there Marina about 2 years ago and did a very nice job.  I must give great praise to the city for rallying and investing in this gem on the the water.  There was much debate if they were going to put the necessary funds to rebuild it, as it was basically condemned a few years ago. When we got to the dock we checked in immediately, set our lines, power, water and cable and shoved off right away to the beach. It is right outside the break wall of the marina.  This allowed us to take everything with us to the beach and allowed Pierce to go up to the beach (what he likes best) and Peyton to play with the dinghy and swim in the deep (which he likes best). Actually, we did not leave immediately.  I had taken Peyton aside and have a conversation.  We were having some major issues to this point in the vacation with the boys behaviors.  I basically said to him - Susan and I plan these trips with great intentions of building great memories and so far this trip the only memories we sharing is having to discipline and yell all the time. If this continues we will not plan anymore of these type of trips....When Peyton and I got back from our sit down on the edge of the dock Susan started her message with both of them as audience and to my amazement was almost verbatim to the talk I had just had with Peyton.  I think this talk worked, because after playing on the beach we went to Trio, an Italia restaurant Susan found on Yelp, and we had the best dinner as a family I can remember.  Peyton suggested he sit next to Pierce promising it was going to be fine. Susan and I had our doubts and do not allow this as they fidget and fuss with each other and cause more stress for us. To our surprise it went off with out any issues.  Best Dinner Ever!
Egg Harbor Marina

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